I wish to thank H.E Hon. Governor Andrew Mwadime-Wakujaa for entrusting me with the responsibility of being his deputy and the people of Taita Taveta County for giving us the responsibility to serve them.


With my vast knowledge and experience in grassroots development together with Governor Wakujaa, my role is to ensure we implement and fulfil the pledges as contained in our manifesto; Health, Agriculture, Water, Education, Infrastructure Development,Mining, Industrial Development, Tourism among other key sectors where I will assist to explore innovative avenues in resource mobilization through collaboration with investment partners to ensure our people reap from Devolution.

This will make us not entirely rely from the equitable share from the National Government but also tap more revenue from our rich natural resources.

In line with our manifesto, we prioritise an attractive investor partnership that will help us exploit our rich natural resources to create wealth to our people across the County. This is because our county is at the heart of Kenya’s wide variety of industrial and precious gemstone minerals in the world.

Gemstones like Ruby, Tsavorite, Tourmaline, Green Garnets among other industrial minerals like iron ore, manganese and copper, when added value, can create immense wealth in our county.

With rich World War 1 historical sites and artefacts, culture, wildlife and our rich biodiversity we shall strive together with all stakeholders to promote domestic and international tourism.

With 62% of our county occupied by the National Park, we will continue pushing for revenue share from the Tsavo National Park.

As a team we undertake to enhance people driven policies and inject fresh passion and inspire the county workforce to ensure we achieve our development agenda.

Together we will ensure Devolution works in Taita Taveta County because we believe in Amani, Upendo na Maendeleo.

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