The county achieves a significant milestone in its efforts to enhance county education standards as the phase II bursary disbursement is presided over at Satoo Grounds in Taveta.
In phase I, a total of 60 million shillings was disbursed. The most recent Phase II has seen an increase with 70 million shillings. Plans for phase III are underway, with another 70 million shillings set aside for distribution, ultimately reaching the targeted 200 million shillings.
This is part of the funds allocated for the financial year 2023/2024 to assist needy students in the county. In this phase, each ward has been granted Sh3.5 million, with a focus on aiding over 11,400 students.
Previously, there were inconsistencies in the allocation of bursaries to needy students, resulting in hardship for numerous students, particularly those from vulnerable backgrounds.      
Governor Andrew Mwadime’s administration has pledged to ensure that every child receives an equitable opportunity to access education.
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1 Comment

  • Gibran
    May 30, 2024

    A great boost to education agenda

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